Street artist 2wenty has done a cool thing. Plenty of street artists have left free street art out to be taken home, but most pieces get left on the sidewalk or leaning on a building, and its never certain whether it got picked up by an art lover, or thrown out with the garbage.
But 2wenty has put these pieces of free street art up higher, so first only the lovers of street art will look to spot them, and then it takes a little work to get one.
We dig the imagery, and with Lindsey Lohan getting slapped with another round of felonies, the timing is ripe to get a piece of her featured on some art.
We are going to have some fun with this as well, and play it as a game. We are putting up 3 posts 2 of them have spots where readers can find a piece of street art and take it home. The third is a piece that has already been taken.
Click the jump to play!
On Melrose. Next to the Dog Byte piece. Up with Insurgency Inc.
Finders Keepers! go get it!!