You're Up There, We're Down Here (And It Still Looks Like Shit!)

We have been trying to sit back and not say anything at all, but 86 needs to get called out for putting shitty 'art' on the streets.

Maybe 86 only watched 'Exit Through the Gift Shop' and not 'Wild Style', so they never learned the rules of the streets. But if you're gonna cap someone, you've got to do it better.

The fact that 86 has been capping real art, street art that actually looks good and has some thought put into and good placement, like Leba and Obey, is flat out wrong.

And maybe no one has told you guys, but your stuff looks like shit. Real shit. Real bad. And the way you have been spreading this crap around the rooftops is embarrassing.

Go watch Wild Style and learn the rules of the game. If you can't do it better, don't cap it. And, just for you guys- if you can't do art better than what you are doing, don't do it at all~

Someone once said that it is better to keep your mouth closed and let others think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. The same could be said here. You have us convinced. And the rooftops of Melrose are suffering from it. Please, do us all a favor and get '86'd'.