This is about the worst piece we have seen on the streets. Seriously, keep it on your laptop, cause the streets are getting clogged up with 'Amateur Hour'.
There seems to be a grip of bad 'art' that looks more like a middle school art project than legitimate street art. We usually try to take the 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' approach, and we have found ourselves having to pick and choose more and more of what is put on the blog. We aren't trying to hate, but it needed to be said.
There is really no filter for what goes up on the streets. Anyone can put up junk, and many are. This piece seems to capture a good chunk of the worst elements all at once.
This piece is lame, heavily pixilated, nonsensical, has poorly executed graffiti on it and caps legitimate artists all at once.
It says 'Let he/she who is without shade cast the first size 13 pump. Directly from the Bible. Echofon 2/15/11 5:45', and has a dude running his hand through his hair.
The picture does it more justice than it deserves. Even the writing is not clean. Seriously, if someone is going to put art on the streets, no matter what the content, it should be a quality product. Street art gets talked down to as being a simple cut and paste job on the computer, and if you can't even get that right, stay off the streets.
We think this is more 'farting on the streets'. Sure, the streets are open to anyone. There are no rules, but there are guidelines. And just like people shouldn't fart in a crowded room of people, don't fart on the streets, either. (And if you look at the upper left hand corner of the box, the streets seem to agree and it looks like an F in front of Art right there-Fart)